Lola’s illustrated storybook

Debbie was so impressed with her little niece’s beautiful drawings – together with her Mom, they told the most delightful story. What an awesome birthday gift – we scanned the stunning pages, typed out the story text, and professionally laid out the book. Can you imagine her surprise when she actually realised that she was the illustrator of the photobook she received from her cousins?
Lola had made two books, but the second was only a few pages and couldn’t be bound on its own. We came up with the idea of combining both books. The result is that the book can be opened from one side and read from start to finish of story 1, then it can be flipped upside down and the second book starts from the back cover.
Product | Photobook |
Cover | Printed |
Size | A4 Portrait |
Number of pages | 40 |
Service | Scan, type, design, print, bind |