Project Life® 2024 Yearbook with Canva | Week 8

Week 8 – Paint and Sip fundraiser for Hola Baby Home with my artistic friend and author Terry Angelos, a visit to the Durban Maritime Museum, a Start-up Grind Networking event with author and entrepreneur Mike Saunders of Digit Lab, and a sad goodbye to my nephew Taeho, as he returns to Korea to study for his Master’s degree. Subscribe to my channel if you want to design photobooks with Canva, I’d love to inspire you and share my tips and methods.
Take a look at me designing my pages using Canva…
WEEK 8 – PAGE 26

I started simply this week! Elements|Grids|6 photos – I quickly copied Ali Edward’s Week text from an earlier week, replaced it with the PNG file, and filled in the correct dates. I love the photos I took this week – street art is a favourite for me and any walking and art is music to my soul xxx
WEEK 8 – PAGE 27

Lots of photos! and most of them are vertical – so it was a no-brainer to look for Elements|Grid|12 photos. I added just 2 clip art texts from Ali Edwards before I searched Elements|Graphics|Heart. I changed the colour of the heart to the same pink of the word “loving” – to do this choose Edit Image|Colour|Photo Colours|See all. I duplicated the heart and resized it slightly so the background heart was bigger and a different colour. I grouped the two hearts, duplicated them – dragged the new one into its new position and changed the colour of the front heart using the same technique just described. I love this page!

I realised I haven’t journalled much these first two months, because my designs tend to be photo-heavy. I am chuffed with myself for coming up with the idea to journal and document using the Design|Newspaper template. I deleted the colour background, replaced the heading with Ali’s “beautiful remembering”, edited text to read January and February, changed the colour and slightly increased the font size. I edited the heading and changed the block to a bold red before copying my journalling from Apple Notes. I kept one subtitle and after recording my YouTube video I made some key points bold, to help the readability of my text. I had a lot to say, so I repeated this process and added another page using the same approach. I’m very happy that I have more stories recorded…
WEEK 8 – PAGE 29