Project Life® 2024 Photobook with Canva | Week 2

Project Life® 2024 Photobook with Canva | Week 1

Okie dokie we are now onto Week 2 – how exciting to see my 2024 Project Life® Photobook taking shape! I hope you are enjoying my process videos and that you get to see how fantastic Canva is for designing books. Watching these videos is one of the best ways to learn Canva – I do recommend that you take my “Photobooks with Canva” Course first – you can follow na-nu-ja on Facebook or Instagram for monthly dates – these videos are a more intermediate use.


Take a look at me designing my pages using Canva…


I decided on a 6 6×4″ layout for this page Elements|Grids. I copied and pasted Ali Edward’s Week 1 text and dates from the previous week so that my sizing was consistent. I love this feature in Canva (you can also copy from entirely different documents – but that’s for another lesson). I also copied the text box and banner but had to enlarge it to include two lines of text.

I googled the KZN Women in Business logo using the image filter and then the “save image as” function to save it onto my desktop and upload it into my 2024 Yearbook Source Folder. The logo I chose was a PNG file (meaning it has no background – sometimes known as clipart). I then searched Elements| Graphics |Badge and found a suitable graphic, changed the colour to white moved behind the logo, and resized it.

I love Ali Edward’s text card and all the bright colours of this simple 6-photo grid.


I love this 12 photos Elements|Grid – it is very suitable for portrait images. I distributed the images in rows – the first row was morning walks and UCOOK breakfasts. The second row work work-related photos, and an Ali Edwards card, and finally the third row was a Curry Queen cooking demonstration we went to.

I used the same Google image method to save the UCOOK logo and Elements|Graphics|Badge made white positioned behind the logo but on top of the photo. I also positioned The Photo Manager’s screenshot on top of the webinar registration image – this is different from fitting it into the image block.

I can’t wait to get stuck into Week 3 – I am finding my rhythm now and hope you are enjoying my videos. Please like and subscribe to my YOUTUBE channel and follow me on Facebook and Instagram for more inspiration.

#handcrafted #letssharememories #photobookswithcanva #nanuja #photomanagerza #photochaostocalm

Posted in , by na-nu-ja on 2024-01-24